The Green Streets Breakthrough:
40% Less Costs and
A Green Income Now!
We'll guide you all the way - so that you can get a boost to your household income by going green!

From the Start!
Green Streets - Household Champions
We've created a new model to DEMOCRATISE GREEN ENERGY so every one can benefit financially by making slashing carbon emissions rewarding! Bringing UK households new, green, income streams*.
An Overall Financial BOOST, not a Burden!
Making 'doing our bit' not just affordable but profitable right from day one! An IMMEDIATE overall financial BOOST to the HOUSEHOLD budget, rather than an interminable burden.
The Green Streets Model - from Humane Energy
The Green Streets Club is empowering homeowners and small businesses to profit, straight away, from halting their emissions. Laying a new path to a more fruitful, greener, future. First we'll design for you a custom, clean, green, profitable, solar micro-power-station, projecting how it will 'earn its keep' plus a surplus for you from the very beginning! This is just the beginning - more rewarding transitions awaits…
Income from the Start - How?
Up to £30 Monthly Surplus
From day one you can can expect a projected monthly surplus averaging up to £30 over the year.
You decide the level. This will determine how long before you move into the second phase - when your income will rocket…
A Substantial Annual Income
Once your system has finished 'earning its keep', so fully repaid its loan, your surplus rises sharply.
Typically by around £2,000 to £3,000 (or more) per year. Forever! (Even after allowances are made for maintenance and upgrades).
A Profitable Green Transition
The Green Streets Club will be with you all the way to demystify the process & support you.
Including with low cost maintenances packages for when any warranties end (10 - 25 years) and support you through the transition too.
Easy and Transparent
Pre-Vetted Suppliers
The Green Streets Club pre-vet suppliers. By holding 'feet to the fire' we ensure you get the best price, highest quality, and best support.
Unbiased Guidance
Providing the latest, unbiased, information on solar, battery, energy export, carbon credit rewards… in an open, community environment where anyone can ask questions.
This open, community environment ensures everything remains above board, with complete transparency throughout the process.
A Breakthrough Solution
Your Evergreen Report
We provide a bespoke report based on your current usage, your property and its location. Projecting both savings & green earning / incomes from surplus and other sources*.
We review the proposal with you to ensure the best possible solution.

Then you decide.

* Note: More income sources coming soon!

Once you're happy that this is for you Green Streets Club will recommend a pre-vetted installer who'll provide a detailed assessment & design and proposal for discussion.
Enabling a well informed decision.
Benefit the Environment
Renewable Energy
Removing one more source of carbon emission, significantly reducing your carbon footprint. Forever.
Carbon & Emissions Reduction
Contributing to a the circular economy.
Great for the Local Environment
Removing emission, supports nature conservation efforts in your community.
Clean, Green, Local Energy
Clean energy, produced where it's needed is the most efficient option of all.
Boost Your Household Income
Reduced Bills
You enjoy significantly lower energy bills.
Increased Income
Surplus captured by your system provides a new income.
Greater Independence
No more price hikes! Your costs go down, not up, over time as technology continues to improve and inflation now works in your favour.
Join the Green Streets Club
Discover the transformative solutions and benefits offered by the Green Streets Club.
The club will design a tailored system that suits your unique needs and project your overall additional income and boost.
We make it easy.
So you can start saving money and the planet right from the off.

Start Your More Rewarding
Green Journey Here!
Don't wait any longer to get a fair reward for taking control of your energy bills and carbon footprint:
Together we can create a sustainable future for all!
Club Member's Experiences
Here's what people are saying:
There's this power, isn't there, when people come together"
"It reduced our anxiety. Being part of a bigger thing, with other people either treading the same boards, or have trodden them, or will follow. You know?
On the installation process:
"Really good. Yeah, they were they were spot on. I actually put on the feedback. How professional, courteous, polite and quite a pleasure to have around really".
"It's given us a sense of independence. A sense of control."
L.B. Sheffield 11

"I've always wanted to do it. But previously it's always looked like at least 20 years return on investment, which is just ridiculous. It shows that some projects that don't work on a single household level can work on a community level. “
We've had the benefit of the community buying power. So I'm looking at this now, going, actually, I feel it really is good value for money.
"It feels great. Like you're doing the right thing and you're saving money at the same time. So it's a win, win for me."

On the installation process:
"It was all done in a day. I worked from home and I barely knew they were there most of the time. The power was off for less than half an hour."

J.W. Carter Knowle, Sheffield
Start Your Green Journey Here!
Don't wait any longer to get a fair reward for taking control of your energy bills and carbon footprint:
Together we can create a sustainable future for all!